Five Ways to Use a Cheap Rug Effectively

Most of us have inexpensive rugs around our homes. Some of them actually look like they are cheap and others do not. How can you make use of a heavily discounted rug that actually looks good? Here are some suggestions.

1. Use on in a private bathroom. This is opposed to bathrooms that will be used for guests. You can throw them down on the floor before your shower, to prevent water from dripping on the floor, and then hang it out of sight after your shower.

2. Replace the ones that are not cheap, or at least do not look cheap, with on on bad weather days. Place them in doorways so that feet can be wiped upon entering the home or office, in an effort to protect the rugs that you truly love.

3. Use them in your garage or driveway, so that you can wipe your feet before entering your car. This protects the carpeting and interior of your vehicle quite well.

4. Use them in children’s areas, where glue, paints, markers, or other art supplies will also be used. This protects the carpeting or flooring underneath, including higher quality rugs. If the cheaper one gets stained, you won’t be overly upset over it.  You can view a nice selection of kids rugs here.

5. Use them under furnishing on hardwood floors to protect the floor. Of course, if you hate the look of it you will place it under furnishing that has a skirt of some sort, so that it cannot be seen.

READ  The Definitive Glossary of Area Rug Terms and Definitions

As you can see, there are multiple uses for a cheap floor coverings – even if you hate the the look of the rug. Before you throw them away, consider its various uses, and even if you cannot think of a use right now, tuck it away for a ‘rainy day.’

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