How Much Should You Be Spending on Area Rugs?

How Much Should You Be Spending on Area Rugs?

Area rugs aren’t only for the rich and noble anymore, but that doesn’t necessarily mean every type of are rug is automatically going to be in your price range, either. Understanding how much you need to budget for your rug can make a big difference toward making sure you find the right piece of floor decor for your home the first time you go shopping. A lot of times, the brand name you choose can make all the difference. Some lines, like Scion, are moderately priced without sacrificing style. Of course, there are also cheaper rugs out there, as well as more expensive ones, and the final decision is entirely up to you. Below, we’ll give you some information to help you know a little bit more about what to expect when you go shopping for your new rug.

Cheaper Rugs

Whether you’re looking for a bright floral patterned rug or something more like the red black and gray area rugs that have become popular in recent years with modern decorators, there’s no reason you can’t find it in the cheaper category. Cheaper rugs are out there, and it doesn’t take much time or effort to find them, although you may need to take some extra time to find specific styles or designs. For the most part, cheaper rugs tend to fall into transitional or contemporary types of decorating, but there are still some great quality traditional rugs that fall into cheaper categories, too.

When you’re looking at cheaper area rugs, it’s important to remember you’ll probably be taking a hit in terms of the materials the rugs are made out of. That’s not to say you can’t find cheap wool rugs, but they may be much more difficult to locate than cheap rugs that are made out of synthetic, man made fibers instead. These rugs are also usually machine-made instead of being hand-woven. Again, this isn’t a hard-and-fast rule, but it’s not very likely you’ll come across a handmade wool rug that falls into the “cheap” category.

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Moderate Rugs

Moderate area rugs come in all shapes, sizes, colors, patterns, styles and more. You don’t have to feel too limited by the possibilities when you’re shopping for a rug in the moderate price range. They may be made of wool, bamboo, jute, synthetic fibers, cotton, or any number of other materials. These could be traditional, transitional, or contemporary rugs, and they could come in sizes large enough for a full-sized living room or small enough to be a bedroom throw rug instead. They might be handmade, but chances are they’re still going to be machine-made at this price.

If you’re interested in oval area rugs like those that are often found in country kitchens, for example, this is probably a rug that will fall into the moderate category. These rugs are not usually made of expensive fibers, but they are often hand-braided, which drives the price up a little bit. On the other hand, a small purple area rug that is machine-made but still made of natural wool fibers may be equally a little more expensive, taking it into the moderately-priced category as well. Most types of area rugs fall into this category, so if you can afford the moderate price range, you’ll have a ton of great options to pick from.

Expensive Rugs

Finally, we come to the expensive area rugs category. Most of these rugs are made of natural fibers like wool, and they are almost always handmade. They may even be hand-dyed, depending on the rug. In most cases, an expensive rug has had a lot more one-on-one attention from the person making it. However, this doesn’t mean there are no expensive machine-made rugs, so if you’re looking specifically for one type of design over another, pay close attention to the descriptions of rugs you check out when you go shopping. Expensive rugs are usually traditional, but may be contemporary or transitional as well.

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So if you’re looking for a forest green area rug that matches the traditional oriental style or Persian rug style, you’re probably going to be looking into the expensive rug category. Even many floral area rugs that are handmade of wool fall into this price range, too. Expensive rugs aren’t for everyone, and it’s important to remember that buying a pricey rug is an investment you’ll need to protect from kids, pets, and foot traffic. Some people even insure their expensive area rugs, so this may be something you should look into depending on your specific needs and situation.

Antique Rugs

If you’ve ever been to a museum and seen a rug on display, you’ve probably seen an antique rug. These rectangular or square rugs are among some of the most beautiful in the world, and the chances of you owning one may be pretty slim unless you are quite wealthy. Some people work very hard to save money and afford an antique rug to decorate their home with, but if you think this may be something you’re interested in, it’s important to do a lot of extra research before spending money on a rug that may or may not actually qualify as an antique piece.

These rugs are usually Persian or oriental rugs, but they may also be Spanish. This type of rug should not be used on the floor in most situations. This is why most people who do own them hang them up on the wall like a tapestry to showcase their beauty without risking any damage related to foot traffic or spills. Like the rugs in the expensive category, if you own a rug like this, you should definitely consider getting it insured in the event something unforeseen should happen, like a fire. These rugs aren’t for everyone, but they can be beautiful additions to your home if you have the money to purchase one.

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As you can see, there are rugs for all sorts of budgets and price ranges, and picking from one group doesn’t necessarily make you better or worse than choosing from another would. It’s entirely up to you what type of rug you buy and what sort of budget you shop on. Just remember to go into the shopping experience with a number squarely in mind so you don’t end up over-spending if you’re trying to stick to a specific budget pretty closely.