Reward Mom with her Very own Mom Cave. These Five Great Ideas Show you How!

Man Caves are so 2005. What’s hot now? Mom Caves. You read that right: a place where a mom can break away from all responsibilities and just be herself. Whether it’s a literal cave, buried in the basement, or just a corner in the bedroom designated by cheap area rugs, mom deserves a place to escape.

Search for Mom Caves online and you’ll find some articles suggesting mom should retrofit an unused closet as her mom cave. No offense, but we think mom deserves better (and honestly, who has an unused closet?). So, if you’ve got an empty room, we’ve got five tips for making the most of your mom cave. From a spot to squeeze in a workout to a place to relax on soft chenille area rugs and sip a little vino in the company of good friends or good books, the sky’s the limit on crafting a mom-worthy hideaway. Read on to find out more!

A place to get organized

First off, we’d be delusional to believe that even though the space is supposed to belong only to mom that toys, sports equipment, sippy cups, and other kid-related paraphernalia won’t make it into mom’s hideout. It’s likely impossible to ban all kid stuff from the room, but you can try to control it. This is as simple as placing a bin or basket near the entryway. Mom can then do a quick sweep of the room and deposit anything that’s not hers into the bin to be dealt with later. Serious bonus points if you can teach your kids (or husband) to return the items in the bin to their proper places.

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A place to pump it up

Create a space that’s workout friendly. Tops on the list of many mom cave needs and wants is a place to exercise. You don’t need to run out and drop hundreds of dollars on a treadmill, though. This can be as simple as a sports area rug, some free weights, a stability ball, and a TV with a few workout DVD’s. If you can, carve out this space near a window. The natural light will help mom feel more awake and energized and ready to go.

A place to chill

If Mom’s a reader, create a reading nook that will serve as a cozy spot to kick back and get lost in a bestseller. An overstuffed chair with a cozy chenille throw will work, but if it’s not in your budget, choose several large throw pillows and a sumptuous shag rug instead. Add a small bookshelf and a reading lamp to complete the atmosphere. And, if mom craves that coffee house experience but never gets the opportunity to enjoy it, add a single cup coffee maker into the mix!

A place to get things done

Crafts, laundry, scrapbooking, and the occasional holiday wrapping session are just a few of the many tasks that go hand-in-hand with mommy hood. Give her a great open space to get it all done by installing a waist-high table. You don’t need to hit the furniture store for one – pick up a laminate countertop remnant from a local kitchen contractor. Attach it to your wall from underneath with a few A-frame wall brackets sturdy enough to hold up your countertop. Add a barstool and some bright overhead task lighting. Finish it off by securing a few small boxes or baskets to your wall just above your new table to store essentials like pens, tape, scissors, and other small items.

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A place to entertain

With any luck, mom and her best buds will find some time in their busy schedules to hang out and relax in the mom cave. With that in mind, a place to entertain is a must. Create a space for this by placing a few couches or chairs in a small square around a coffee table or end tables.  Add in cozy throw pillows and a couple of sink-your-toes-in-and-relax shag area rugs. While the focus will be on conversation and catching up, place this area near a television if mom’s a movie buff. For a touch that will win wave reviews with even mom’s pickiest guest, add a wine fridge.

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