The Problem you Stand on: Choosing Between Area Rugs and Carpets

The Problem you Stand on: Choosing between Area Rugs and Carpets
The Problem you Stand on: Choosing between Area Rugs and Carpets

In recent years, it seems there’s been a bit of an unspoken trend in flooring: carpeting is sort of yesterday’s news. Watch any home design program on TV and you’ll see would-be homeowners either marveling at well-kept hardwood or hoping there’s hardwood under the carpeting of the home they’re interested in buying. But that’s not to say that carpeting doesn’t have its benefits. If you live in a cool climate, it’s certainly much warmer than wood or tile. It also provides a sound barrier in spaces where wood or tile just creates an echo chamber.

So what’s a homeowner to do? If you’re faced with a choice between spicing up your flooring with area rugs or installing carpet, there are a few questions you’ll want to ask yourself. We’ve come up with a few to get you thinking!

How permanent would you like your look to be?

Wall-to-wall carpeting is pretty much permanent. If you fall in love with a certain type of carpet or you decide on a carpeting color that can easily adapt to a variety of paint colors and décor choices, then choosing carpet might be right for you. On the other hand, if you’re someone who loves to change up the look of your space every so often, a collection of area rugs might be a better choice than wall-to-wall carpeting.

You’re not merely limited to painting the walls a new color or hanging up some new photos and prints. They give you the opportunity to swap out your floor’s look as often as you like without breaking the bank. Go for something totally different and unique such as leather or color coordinate to your current design using a bold color like a red color. Between uses, be sure to carefully store them in a dry area that’s free from direct sunlight. That way, when your tastes change again, you can be ready.

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How do you feel about cleaning?

Everyone knows that taking care of carpeting can be a chore. When a pet or child makes a mess or you happen to spill your coffee on it, cleaning carpeting becomes a full scale production. It’s also important to vacuum carpeting often to maintain its appearance and cut down on allergens like pet dander. About once every six months or so, it’s also a good idea to schedule a professional carpet cleaning.

The difference with area rugs is that you’ll spend less time on your hands and knees scrubbing when an accident happens. You can pick up one, shake it out, and spot treat when necessary. Professional cleaning may be needed for tough stains or to really refresh it from time to time, but it’s usually at a fraction of the cost of in-home carpet cleaning.

How much money do you want to spend?

It pretty much goes without saying that wall-to-wall carpet can be pricey. Even beyond the cost per square foot, you also have to factor in padding, delivery, and installation. There’s a time factor involved too. If you’re in a hurry, it might cost you more. That being said, it’s not always true that they are the cheaper option. While it’s true that choosing an area rug over wall-to-wall carpet is usually more cost effective, it truly depends on what type you choose. A great Persian or Oriental rug, which by the way will last you beyond a lifetime with proper care, can cost just as much if not more than installing carpet.

READ  8 Things Most People Don’t Know About Area Rugs

If you do decide to choose a selection of area rugs over carpeting, keep in mind that you won’t be totally off the hook when it comes to flooring. Whether you have hardwood or tile, it’s not a bad idea to have your flooring either professionally refinished or cleaned. It’s not something you’ll have to remember to do on a regular basis like you would with carpet cleaning, but it will extend the life of your flooring. They can then better do their job of protecting the flooring and providing a break in the look of the floor. If you’re interested in refinishing, check out this story by the home decor bloggers at Young House Love (@younghouselove) for a look into how it works!

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