Latest range of Area Rugs from Martha Stewart is now available!

Area Rugs - Eco Friendly Style

Results 1-39 of 39

Surya Gemini GMN4021

Surya Gemini GMN4021

From $295.00

Surya Gemini GMN4034

Surya Gemini GMN4034

From $70.00

Surya Aros AROS2

Surya Aros AROS2

From $305.00

Surya Continental COT1930

Surya Continental COT1930

From $70.00

Kaleen Colinas Camel Col03-43

Kaleen Colinas Camel Col03-43

From $31.99

Kaleen Colinas Paprika Col02-53

Kaleen Colinas Paprika Col02-53

From $31.99

Kaleen Colinas Slate Col02-103

Kaleen Colinas Slate Col02-103

From $31.99

Surya Denim DNM1001

Surya Denim DNM1001

From $75.00

Colonial Mills Shear Natural EN31 Cobblestone

Colonial Mills Shear Natural EN31 Cobblestone

From $27.00

Surya Gemini GMN4052

Surya Gemini GMN4052

From $295.00

Surya Tahoe TAH3700

Surya Tahoe TAH3700

From $70.00

Colonial Mills Natural Wool Houndstooth HD31 Cream

Colonial Mills Natural Wool Houndstooth HD31 Cream

From $29.00

Colonial Mills Natural Wool Houndstooth HD33 Tea

Colonial Mills Natural Wool Houndstooth HD33 Tea

From $29.00

Surya Zola ZOL3000

Surya Zola ZOL3000

From $70.00

Colonial Mills Shear Natural EN30 Canvas

Colonial Mills Shear Natural EN30 Canvas

From $27.00

Colonial Mills Shear Natural EN33 Muslin

Colonial Mills Shear Natural EN33 Muslin

From $27.00

Surya Jute Woven JS2

Surya Jute Woven JS2

From $90.00

Colonial Mills Shear Natural EN32 Rockport Gray

Colonial Mills Shear Natural EN32 Rockport Gray

From $27.00

Colonial Mills Chapman Wool PN31 Natural

Colonial Mills Chapman Wool PN31 Natural

From $29.00

Colonial Mills Natural Wool Houndstooth HD32 Latte

Colonial Mills Natural Wool Houndstooth HD32 Latte

From $29.00

Colonial Mills Chapman Wool PN21 Peacock Blue

Colonial Mills Chapman Wool PN21 Peacock Blue

From $29.00

Surya Fiji FJI8001

Surya Fiji FJI8001

From $125.00

Colonial Mills Chapman Wool PN11 Spring Mix

Colonial Mills Chapman Wool PN11 Spring Mix

From $29.00

Colonial Mills Hudson HN01 Natural

Colonial Mills Hudson HN01 Natural

From $29.00

Surya Continental COT1931

Surya Continental COT1931

From $70.00

Surya Grizzly GRIZZLY9

Surya Grizzly GRIZZLY9

From $70.00

Colonial Mills Hudson HN21 Light Gray

Colonial Mills Hudson HN21 Light Gray

From $29.00

Surya Grizzly GRIZZLY6

Surya Grizzly GRIZZLY6

From $140.00

Surya Tahoe TAH3703

Surya Tahoe TAH3703

From $275.00

Surya Tahoe TAH3702

Surya Tahoe TAH3702

From $70.00

Colonial Mills Hudson HN41 Beige

Colonial Mills Hudson HN41 Beige

From $29.00

Colonial Mills Hudson HN31 Dark Gray

Colonial Mills Hudson HN31 Dark Gray

From $29.00

Colonial Mills Woodland Round OL13 Natural

Colonial Mills Woodland Round OL13 Natural

From $37.00

Colonial Mills Woodland Rectangle OL43 Dark Gray

Colonial Mills Woodland Rectangle OL43 Dark Gray

From $37.00

Colonial Mills Wintergreen WG00 Green and Red

Colonial Mills Wintergreen WG00 Green and Red

From $50.00

Colonial Mills Woodland Rectangle OL23 Light Gray

Colonial Mills Woodland Rectangle OL23 Light Gray

From $37.00

Colonial Mills Woodland Round OL43 Dark Gray

Colonial Mills Woodland Round OL43 Dark Gray

From $37.00

Colonial Mills Woodland Rectangle OL13 Natural

Colonial Mills Woodland Rectangle OL13 Natural

From $37.00

Colonial Mills Woodland Round OL23 Light Gray

Colonial Mills Woodland Round OL23 Light Gray

From $37.00

Eco-Friendly Area Rugs

Environmentally conscious homeowners are discovering a way to bring the cause they care about into their homes with eco-friendly rugs. Caring for the Earth shouldn’t stop at your doorstep, so why put anything down on your floors except for natural or eco friendly rugs? From durable and rustic hemp rugs to soft, washable organic cotton rugs, you’ll find a natural rug to suit every taste and décor at Boldrugs. Natural sisal rugs, outdoor jute rugs, and bamboo area rugs all made from plant-based fibers protect your floors from heavy foot traffic and will remain tough and new-looking even after years on the same surface. Meanwhile, traditional wool rugs and 100 cotton rugs lend a sense of softness to any bedroom, study or sunroom. And for those who wish to make their own eco-friendly rug, cotton rug yarn, wool rug yarn, and latch hook rug kits make it easy to create your own work of sustainable art.

You can find area rugs in a wide variety of different materials and fibers, but did you know that you can also decorate your home with eco friendly area rugs? With an eco friendly area rug in your favorite room, you will be able to relax and enjoy your living space all while knowing you have done something good for the environment. If you are a very green-minded person, then you have even more of a reason to want to bring one of these beautiful rugs into your home today.

Types of Materials

The most important part of an eco friendly area rug is its material. If the material from which a rug is made was man-made in a factory, that rug is automatically not eco friendly. However, there are plenty of beautiful materials you can choose from when deciding on the perfect eco friendly rug for your home. All of these materials are derived from plant products or solely from animal products, meaning they cannot be blended with synthetic materials. They all are designed to withstand extended foot traffic in your home. Jute is made from plant fibers and woven together to create rich, tropical style rugs that look great in any room. When it is not dyed, this type of material is a warm brown color, and the fibers are visible. Bamboo is very similar, but it is a lighter shade when not dyed. Hemp rugs are also much like jute and bamboo, but they are a little rougher in texture and usually resemble woven rope rugs in most instances. Finally, wool and silk rugs are much like their traditional counterparts, but in the world of eco friendly décor, they cannot include anything synthetic. They may be more expensive than the other types of rug materials listed here, but they can make for beautiful environmentally friendly alternatives in your home.


Many times, individuals shopping for rugs are concerned with the durability of eco friendly options. They may have heard that rugs made from natural materials are less likely to hold up to frequent use, but this is simply not true. There is no need to be concerned about the durability of your eco friendly area rug. These rugs are designed to stand up to plenty of use, and to be able to be cleaned if anything should get spilled on them as well. They may be more prone to dirt being ground into the spaces between the ridges in their material, but they are no less useful as an area rug than any others. With that said, however, bear in mind that silk, which is considered an eco friendly material, is much less durable than the other varieties available. Silk is delicate and should be only used as an accent piece in a room. It should never be placed where it will be walked on frequently. Silk cannot stand up to being cleaned too often, either.

Patterns and Prints

There are tons of different patterns and prints for you to choose from when buying an eco friendly area rug. However, most of the time, these rugs feature simple geometric shapes or solid colors to help contrast the visible texture of the materials. While it is not impossible to find a rug with a vibrant print, it is less likely than coming across one in a solid color that works well for your specific space. Eco friendly rugs are available in both traditional and modern styles. The more traditional eco friendly rugs are made in muted colors with more intricate prints, and they may also feature borders that are either printed directly onto the natural fibers or made from a separate fabric surrounding the outer edges of the rug. Modern eco friendly rugs usually come in multicolored patterns that are geometric in style, but they may also feature floral prints and bright circles as well. Solid rugs are available in colors that work well with both styles.

How to Decorate with Eco Friendly Area Rugs

Eco friendly rugs may not work in quite the same way as other types of rugs when it comes to decorating, but you can still do a lot with them. For example, if you are looking for the perfect rug for your living room space, you need only to choose a brilliant solid color eco friendly rug and decorate the rest of the room in complementary colors around it. This is a great way to modernize your décor without having to worry too much about matching intricate patterns in your rugs. Eco friendly rugs also make for great dining room and kitchen accents. In these spaces, choose a smaller rug that can work to bring out the colors of the rest of the room, rather than the other way around. Particularly when decorating a dining room, it’s a good idea to have a color scheme in mind before you choose your rug. This way, you will be able to pick one that goes well with your tablecloth or napkins. Finally, eco friendly rugs are perfect for sun rooms and outdoor spaces. Rugs made of jute or hemp hold up to weathering well, and they always bring a sense of the outdoors into any living space. Use them to help bridge the gap between indoor and outdoor living on your porch, patio, or favorite inside space.

As you can see, if you are concerned with helping the environment in every space of your home, you can do a lot with an eco friendly area rug. These types of rugs come in many different styles and colors for you to choose from, and they are always made from durable, plant-based materials. The more you care about the earth, the better off you will be when you incorporate eco friendly decorating into your home’s interior. You will feel better about yourself knowing that you have supported a good cause with your area rugs, and your home will feel lighter, more breathable, and more comfortable than ever before.

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